The Rabbit

Rabbit people are the happiest, the people most certain to be happy, they are gifted, nice to be with, discreet, refined, reserved, ambitious but not too much so – and virtuous into the bargain. Nobody ignores them, for they are good company and know how to make the best of themselves.

But surely there must be a defect to go with such a deluge of good qualities?

There is, of course and it is no less grave as it is a minor one.Those born under the sign of Rabbit are superficial. And that means in its turn, the good qualities are superficial, too.

The Rabbit loves company and company loves the Rabbit. The Rabbit people are great mixers and they adore social gatherings. The Rabbit sometimes a gossip and scandalmonger, but always with fact and discretion – which means in fact the he finds difficult when there is something genuinely unpleasant that’s got to b said.
Rabbits love to entertain and their homes are often beautiful because they have excellent taste.

They are men of the world, sometimes snobs, and the female Rabbit loves to show off her intellectuality and culture. They will study a subject with admiration. But ignores at the same time other things that are far more important.

The Rabbit is not easily provoked. He is calm, placid, pacifist. Sentimental rather than truly sensitive, he is more easily moved by personal problems than by the great problems of the world. Famine, warfare and other global catastrophes leave him unmoved unless his own life is touched by them – and then he is so hard hit that he finds his position intolerable and allows himself to die.

The Rabbit cries easily – and is as quickly consoled. The wistfulness and melancholy of the females born under the sign is one of the main weapons un their armory of charm.

The Rabbits are conservatives, hating anything that disturbs their quite life or poses problems for them to solve. More than anyone else, they need to keep their comfort and their security.

As the Rabbit is cautious – perhaps even a little timid – he will undertake nothing before he has weighed the pros and cons and examined the deal for every angle. Because of this, people admire him and take him into their confidence.

Financially, this is a happy sign. The Rabbit is an astute businessman and nobody who signs a contract with him need to think he can get out of it! In speculations he is fortunate and has the gift of sniffing out bargains. The placid Rabbit is a formidable wheeler-dealer! He shines in trade, especially in some off-beat aspect of it like antiques, which permits him to capitalize on his good taste. Politics, diplomacy and the law all offer him equally good opportunities – provided always that he can live the tranquil life he craves within their orbit.

The females of this sign shine in all careers demanding taste, a social sense, and a flair for window dressing. A politician would be well advised to choose a wife born under this sign of Rabbit, sophisticated yet discreet, she will make a marvelous hostess, add greatly to his luster by being at his side – and revel in the limelight while she is there!

Affectionate and loving though he is, the Rabbit finds it easy to benefit his friends at the expense of those nearest to him: he is not really a family man, and that’s the truth of it. Often enough, he regards his parents or his own children almost as strangers and prefers to be with cronies of his own choice. So far as female Rabbits are concerned, they can always be relied on to do their duty, but their maternal instinct is fact is strictly limited.

The Rabbit will settle down well with the Goat whose artistic sense he appreciates. He will look after the material side of the partnership himself and the Goat’s caprices will not affect him.

The honest Dog and the scrupulous Pig will do equally well. But the Rooster will exasperate him with its bluster and its boasting. And as far as the Rat – well, he has to be avoided like the plague!

Relations with the Tiger, in love as in business will always be strained. The rabbit, being of the same race and knowing all of the Tiger’s tricks, refuses to be impressed and gets himself out of the mess by the use of stratagems.

During the three phases of life, the Tiger will manage to have the peaceful existence he wants on one condition: that he keeps away from the exceptional situation, the dramatic turn of events, and the insurmountable obstacle. Wars, revolutions, natural catastrophes, are nothing to do with him: he wasn’t designed for adversity. Anything that threatens his quit life becomes unsupportable: if he doesn’t fight it, he’ll go mad, kill himself, or abandon his principles rather than make himself a wreck.

The people of the Far East regard the Rabbit, as it maybe – with a certain amount of distrust. Popular belief has it that witches and wizards change themselves into a Rabbits.

God, magician or man one thing is sure: there is something offbeat and mysterious in the Rabbit’s make up, as though he help a secret to some great truth that he dare not reveal.

Finally it must be remembered that the Rabbit apparent weakness can be easily changed into strength.

If you were born in one of these periods then you are a Rabbit
2nd February 1927 to 22nd January 1928
19th February 1939 to 7th February 1940
6th February 1951 to 26th January 1952
25th January 1963 to 12th February 1964
11th February 1975 to 30th January 1976
29th February 1987 to 16th February 1988
16th February 1990 to 2nd February 2000

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