The Cow

The Cow is born under the sign of calm and patient, diffident and slow, precise and methodical, balanced and self effacing. The Cow hides an original and intelligent nature behind a facade that is disarming. He has the gift of inspiring confidences, which is the trump card of his success.

The Cow is a contemplative – which is probably why he likes to be alone sometimes very often. He can be an ideal to the fanaticism. He is often chauvinist, sometimes a bigot and that is why he is often criticized.

Despite his appearance of tranquility, the Cow is in the fact swayed by a hot tempered, sometimes violent nature. Rarely, his rage is nonetheless frightening. It is best not to try to cross him for he can become dangerous. And notwithstanding his placid appearance, he is a stubborn beast and hates to be thwarted in anything he undertakes. It’s too bad for anyone who stands in his way. He can spare nobody. He is the leader of men and nobody stops-him.

Although he is usually self-contained and introspective, the Cow can in times need, command for a formidable eloquence.

He detests anything new-fangled, it upsets the tenor of his way. You will find him, therefore, among those railing against Picasso, modern jazz, mini-skirts, and long hair for men. HE will never tolerate anything like than in his family.

The Cow is an authoritarian. His family, in the broad sense of the word, plays one of the most important roles in his existence. But his conventionality, his of the traditional, forbids any innovations. Females born under the sign can cook dutiful pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and dress exactly in the way expected of them. It’s no good waiting anything for them to display any sense of sartorial imagination.

The Cow is a hard worker who can produce a great output and bring prosperity to those near him. At home the Cow is good to have around, provided he is doing his own thing. In business, he can succeed in arts or as the brains behind the garage, a contracting business, or real estate! As he is intelligent and good with his hands at the same time, he can be a good surgeon. But above all he is best destined for agriculture. He should avoid trade and public service for his relations with other people is difficult. It is desirable, too, for him to keep off professions requiring traveling as this upsets his inner balance and his health.

The female Cow prefers to stay at home. She is perfect housewife and splendid hostess. She’s the one, more often than not, who wears the trousers in the home.
Sad to say, the Cow finds it very hard that those nearest to him. Although he is stubborn and dogmatic, he is fond of his family and children. But he requires from them a total obedience and brings them up strictly: he’s the boss and the final say!

In return, he is prepared to make any sacrifice for his family.

For the Cow, more’s the pity; love is nothing more than a charade. He can be soft and tender, devoted, sensual even – but he is never romantic. HE distrusts the dalliance of lovers and is bored by the problems of passion. This materialistic attitude lies at the root of his disappointment in love and marriage.

People born under the sign of the Coq will never be jealous of their husband and wives. But they will be jealous of their rights; and the fidelity of a husband or a wife is one of their rights! For their own part, they will be sentimentally faithful – but they won’t attach much importance to it.

The Cow’s childhood and youth will generally be without incident. It is in the second part of his life that he will encounter difficulties to do with his marriage. His partner may well take offense at his apparent indifference and seek consolation gratuity elsewhere in an attempt to find romance so conspicuously absent at home. In any case, if the Cow cannot put things right by the exercise of his intelligence, he will become so malicious that he risks the ruin of his entire family. The worker, the family man, has no time for a deviation he is unable to understand.

During the third stage of his life, the Cow will suffer enormous difficulties, but if he can manage to smooth them out, his old age will be peaceful.

The Cow can make an idea marriage or a perfect alliance with the Rooster – whom h will allow to shine undisturbed. The rapport between these two conservatives will be perfect!

Everything should go well with the Rat. Besotted by the Cow, the Rat will remain faithful until death. The Snake, too, although frequently unfaithful, is wise enough to dissimulate its own feelings and sentiments. In any case, the Snake will never forsake its family.

Like the Rat, the Cow is fascinated by the Money. To succeed in life he needs the Monkey’s genius fantasy and imagination. But – it will never work! The Cow and the Monkey will never settle down together.

Beware the Goat, too, for different reasons. Capricious and fickle, the Goat can set the scene for a big drama because of its inconsistency.

Popular belief is adamant that the Cow should under no circumstance set up house with the Tiger. Such a partnership would inevitably end of strife – a battle that could terminate only with the departure or the disappearance of the Tiger: The Cow, the stronger of the two would keep on charging until the Tiger was destroyed. A Cow mother could never, never get with a Tiger child. Better for the latter to leave home!

Finally, Cow step born in winter will be happier than a Cow born in summer, if only because there is less work to do in the rice-fields! The summer Cow, poor beast, is fated to go on working throughout the year without rest.

If you were born in one of these periods then you are a Cow
24th January 1925 to 12th February 1926
11th February 1937 to 30th January 1938
29th January 1949 to 16th February 1950
15th February 1973 to 22nd January 1974
20th February 1985 to 8th February 1986
7th February 1997 to 27th January 1998

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