The Goat

People under it –elegant, charming, artistic and fond of nature are the most delightful of all, were it not for the fact that they are also pessimistic, hesitant, over-anxious, worriers!

The Goat is not happy with his lot. The fields over the hill are always greener. Friends and colleagues become exasperated by his whims: he is a nuisance without knowing it his lack of self control and the mysterious delays which beset his life (has no sense of time) make him lose patience with him easily. And though he can make himself agreeable when he wants to, more often he takes advantage of others – sometime even living entirely at their expense.

On other hand, the Goat sets no great store by independence and can adapt himself easily to any kind of life so long as it brings him a minimum of security.

Shy, sometimes even effeminate, the Goat is nonetheless ready to complain for he loves to be guided, to be advised, to be center of attraction, despite of hesitations, evasions, and complaints. He never knows which way to turn and always leaves the decisions to others.

The Goat’s manners are good and he has charm: it is only his nature that is capricious. Those born under this sign are frequently religious – but whether religion it is, it will only practiced to the point where it interferes with the Goat comfort and everyday routine. He’s not prepared to put himself out of it – though he is often drawn to the fantastic, the supernatural, occultism… and the reading of horoscopes!

Men and women born under the sign of the Goat seem to be good-hearted: they are charitable and generous, and willing to share what they have with those less fortunate than themselves.

Unfortunately what they share does not always actually belong to them. It has to be admitted, in fact, that the goat’s sense of ownership is elastic.

The Goat will allow himself to be tethered, but he pulls on the rope. Well-known tradition in the East says that a Goat tethered in a lush meadow will stay calm and contented, but that a Goat staked out in one where the grasses are meager and thin will never stop bleating and complaining. The observation holds good for humans born under this sign.

For the Goat, everything in life happens as though it was someone else’s responsibility: it was circumstances, it was other people, or it was, in the final endeavor, good or bad luck. Whatever goes wrong, it was never the Goat’s fault.

The Goat can be guilty of double dealing that disconcerts his friends. In general, he has no sense of responsibility, no initiative, and a weak decision. HE can make noises like a leader, but it fools nobody – for the truth is, the Goat was made to follow, to obey, and in the right circumstances, under the correct influences, can succeed thus in a particular fashion. This especially true of artistic careers, in which, owing to his natural taste and talent, the Goat can do well or even rise.

The Goat will make a good craftsman or artisan and can confidently take up any career demanding a protagonist of intelligence there. But the Goat will never play the starring role—and it will be better for him or for her. An inefficient associate often makes a poor boss, and the Goat’s whimsical spirit needs someone solid and realistic to lean on. For such a person, the Goat will do anything –provided a little flattery comes with the job, as it were, for the Goat also needs to be appreciated.

This as we have said, is a feminine sign: feminine because the traditions of the West have always assigned to the female the roles dependence and passivity. But the Goat men and women alike crave security above all else. The Goat women dreams of marriage with a rich man, an affair with a generous boyfriend, or a liaisons with some influential patron. Falling this, she will be happy living at home with wealthy parents. She is in fact of the stuff of which are made courtesans, management consultants, public relations officers, and other parasites!

She is also of the stuff of which great artists and great writers are made. Everything depends upon the growth of the grass in her particular meadow, on the influences at work in her life, and on her luck.

People born under the sign of the Goat should at all costs avoid trade. They are terrible salesman. They express themselves no good, their words are confused, they never know when is the right time a point, and they have a brain for getting off on the wrong foot.

But thanks to others, the Goat will stand on his feet. He will have no problems concerning the life of the senses: clothes, food, drink and comfort generally, so great is his talent for knocking on the right door. If you have a nice country house full good things and good conversation, frequented by artists, don’t ever let a Goat through the door: you may never be able to get rid of him! For creature comforts are essential to his existence, the group of artists are essential to the blossoming of his personality. And as for the country – the nature –loving Goats adores it.
In the life of the Goat, romantic problems will be frequent –though without importance – and emotionally agitated.

If the Goat settles down with a Rabbit, a Pig or a Horse all will be well and good. Each of them can assure the Goat’s caprices will be amusing o the Rabbit, they will be tolerated up to a certain point by the Pig, and they’ll be water of a duck’s back to the self-centered Horse.

No other sign can put with the Goat as long, especially the Cow. If the Cow does bring comfort and security to his family, he would ask a lot in return… and the Goat has nothing to bring out itself!

As for the partnership of Goat and Dog, at work or in love, this is destined to fail. Two such pessimists, locked in life as though it was a pillory, will be eternally dissatisfied one with the other!

One thing is sure, however—whatever the sign of the partner, it will never be the Goat who wears the trousers!

The second phase of the Goat’s life will be tempestuous romantically, but there will be a lot of luck in the other two.

And we must remember that, given the lush meadow, without any material worries, and well advised, the Goat can be great success.

If you were born in one of these periods then you are a Goat
17th February 1931 to 5th February 1932
5th February 1943 to 24th January 1944
24th January 1955 to 11th February 1956
9th February 1967 to 29th January 1968
28th January 1979 to 15th February 1980
15th February 1991 to 3rd February 1992

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